Reservation confirmation

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Confirmation Reference: {{confirmationNumber}}
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  • {{propertyName}} is expecting you on {{checkIn}}
  • Keep your confirmation code confidential as it can be used to modify or cancel your booking.


Reservation details

Booking holder
Your reservation
You booked for
Contact email
Cancellation policy
Note that if cancelled, modified, or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.
Price details

Total amount
{{currencyPrefix}}{{totalAmount}} {{currencyCode}}


Special requests {{specialRequest}}
Travel support
Look up the necessary info before traveling to a destination as touristic travel might have some restrictions. In case your travel plans change and you want to modify your booking, check your options to manage the reservation by clicking the link below.

Booking & Cancellation terms
  • All bookings are final and cancellation may attract 3% processing fee
  • Your credit card will be charged for the amount of {{currencyPrefix}}{{totalAmount}} in {{currencyCode}}.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed until booking is completed.
  • Prices are per room, per night, and include all taxes and fees unless otherwise indicated.
  • Prices are based on the number of guests selected. Extra guests may incur additional charges.